Host Directories

PrivX can be configured to fetch cloud instances or hosts through cloud APIs. For cloud hosts, PrivX will also show instance status and cloud region in the administrator user interface.

PrivX supports the following cloud environments as host directories:

PrivX can also use Universal SSH Key Manager as a Host Directory.

Types of Host States Imported to PrivX

After a host directory is configured, only hosts that are in usable state are imported to PrivX. This means cloud hosts in states like 'Stopped', 'Terminated' and so on are not imported to PrivX. Different clouds have different terminologies for the host states. The host states specific to each cloud host directory that are filtered for import are as follows.


Only ec2 instances in states "running" and "pending" states are imported to PrivX.


VM instances in the states "Failed" and "Deleting" are filtered out during host import to PrivX

Google Cloud

Google Compute Instances in the states "STOPPED", "STOPPING" and "TERMINATED" are filtered out during host import to PrivX.


Openstack Instances in the states "DELETED" and "SHUTOFF" are filtered out during host import to PrivX.

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