Admin Command-Line Tool

The admin-tool is a command-line tool that can be accessed on the PrivX server. To use the tool, you must log in as root.

Reset PrivX Admin User Password

To reset the password of a local admin user (for example, superuser), use the following command:

/opt/privx/bin/admin-tool password-reset <username>

You can also reset the password of a non-admin account using the same method.

Reset PrivX Role Context Limitations

If you lose admin access to PrivX due to misconfigured context limitations on critical roles, such as privx-admin or privx-user, you can disable the context limitation with command:

/opt/privx/bin/admin-tool role-context-reset <role1s>

You can reset multiple roles with the same command:

/opt/privx/bin/admin-tool role-context-reset role1 role2

After running the command, you can log back in to PrivX as an admin. Be sure to reconfigure the context limitation for the admin roles.

Run the following command for more details

/opt/privx/bin/admin-tool help

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