Quick PrivX Setup

This article describes setting up PrivX for quick evaluation purposes. If you are setting up PrivX for production, refer to Deployment Overview instead.

To set up a PrivX server for evaluation purposes:

  1. Add the EPEL and PrivX repositories for downloading PrivX packages and dependencies:

    • On CentOS/Red Hat 7:

      yum update
      yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
      yum install epel-release
      rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
      curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    • On Red Hat/Rocky Linux 8:

      yum update
      yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
      yum install epel-release
      yum install postgresql-server
      rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
      curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    • On Amazon Linux 2023:

      dnf update
      dnf install postgresql15-server
      dnf install libxcrypt-compat
      rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
      curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    • On Amazon Linux 2:

      yum update
      amazon-linux-extras install -y nginx1
      rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
      curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
  2. Install the latest PrivX packages with:

    yum install PrivX
  3. Configure PrivX with:


    The following lists the required information, along with some recommended values for evaluation setups:

    • PKCS #11-keyvault settings: N
    • Number of trusted load balancers in front of PrivX node: 0
    • NTP server address: pool.ntp.org
    • FQDN and IP address(es) of the server. You can obtain these by opening another terminal and running hostname --fqdn and ip addr respectively.
    • Local or external database: L
    • Database name and credentials. You can go with the defaults.
    • Credentials for the initial superuser account.

    Once the postinstall finishes, the PrivX server is operational.

  4. License your PrivX server to enable its features:

    Open a browser and navigate to the FQDN or IP address of your PrivX server. Log in with the superuser credentials provided earlier.

    In the PrivX GUI, go to Administration→License and enter your license code.

    You have now set up a PrivX server for evaluation purposes.

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