Native SSH and RDP clients

PrivX also supports native SSH and RDP client connections to target hosts.

SSH support includes native command line SSH clients, like SSH, SCP and SFTP with port forwarding, X11 etc. options.

Native SSH clients can use either PrivX Agent (available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.) or SSH Bastion mode for connecting to target hosts. SSH Bastion mode does not require installing any additional software.

For native RDP traffic, PrivX supports all kinds of Windows, Linux and MacOS RDP clients, including these:

  • Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0 (Windows, MacOS)
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.0 (Windows, MacOS)
  • Remmina (Linux)
  • FreeRDP (Linux, MacOS)

All SSH and RDP connections, except SSH connections using PrivX Agent can be audited; PrivX Agents connect directly to target host and are never routed via PrivX.

Using native client functionality requires opening ports 2222 (for SSH) or 3389 (for RDP) in your firewall.

For more information about connecting with native clients, see:

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