Permission denied when accessing postgres database targets


PostgreSQL-database native-client (psql) connection fails and you get errors like the following in your PrivX logs.

[ERROR] postgres-proxy: connection closed. unsupported auth mode:10

Root Cause

PrivX cannot connect to the database target because password authentication is disabled on the target server.


Make sure the target PostgreSQL server allows password authentication from PrivX Servers. To do this, add lines like the following to the target's pg_hba.conf:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER                  ADDRESS                   METHOD
  host  all             all                   PRIVX-SERVER-01/32        password
  host  all             all                   PRIVX-SERVER-02/32        password
  host  all             all                   PRIVX-SERVER-03/32        password

In the previous example, replace PRIVX-SERVER-** with the IP addresses of your PrivX Servers.

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