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These docs are for v17. Click to read the latest docs for v33.

Get PrivX software

All download links for PrivX and its optional components are listed below. If you prefer installing from the RPM repository, please see Setting up PrivX Components.


Automate administrative access across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Or install PrivX using SSH RPM Repository Setting up PrivX Components

For automated AWS HA installations, see PrivX-on-AWS CDK project.

PrivX Agent

Users can connect to target hosts/accounts using the SSH clients installed on their workstations without the PrivX GUI. Connections are authenticated against PrivX. This configuration requires a PrivX agent to be installed on the user's workstation.
Alternative way for native clients would be to use SSH Bastion, which requires no additional software to be installed.

Download PrivX 17.2 Agent (Linux, Mac, Windows)

SSH Connections with Native Clients
Public-Key Authentication (SSH Bastion)

PrivX Carrier and Web Proxy

Users can use PrivX to connect to HTTP and HTTPS websites. Access to shared accounts are provided in a role-based fashion. Your PrivX deployment must include at least one PrivX Carrier and PrivX Web Proxy component.

Download PrivX 17.2 Carrier for RHEL/CentOS 7
Download PrivX 17.2 Web Proxy for RHEL/CentOS 7
Download PrivX 17.2 Carrier for RHEL/CentOS 8
Download PrivX 17.2 Web Proxy for RHEL/CentOS 8

PrivX Extender

A PrivX Extender relays host connections, allowing connections to target hosts that are not directly accessible by PrivX, e.g. target hosts without public IP addresses in Virtual Private Cloud.

Download PrivX 17.2 Extender for RHEL/CentOS 7
Download PrivX 17.2 Extender for RHEL/CentOS 8