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These docs are for v17. Click to read the latest docs for v33.

All Microservices apart from Keyvault Down


  1. All microservices apart from Keyvault down
  2. Files nginx. and nxing-internal. missing from /etc/nginx/ssl/
  3. Many logs show errors, e.g.
  • KEYVAULT [ERROR] 401 PERMISSION_DENIED Basic Authentication missing
  • AUTH [FATAL] Get https://localhost/keyvault/api/v1/passphrase/XXXXXXXX: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


  1. Log on the PrivX server as root
  2. Update Nginx trust with command
    # /opt/privx/scripts/init_nginx.sh update-trust /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
  3. Restart Nginx with command
    # systemctl restart nginx
  4. Restart PrivX with command
    # systemctl restart privx