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Setting up PrivX Components

This chapter provides basic instructions for setting up and maintaining PrivX components.

To get started with PrivX you will need to set up at least one PrivX server.

PrivX server setup

PrivX servers provide PrivX services, such as the PrivX GUI and certificate-based authentication services.

To set up a PrivX server:

  1. Set up repositories for downloading PrivX packages and dependencies. Before installing PrivX, please update your host by running # yum update to ensure the latest packages.

Add the EPEL repository:

  • On Red Hat 7:
    # yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

  • On Red Hat 8:
    # yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

  • On CentOS 7 and 8:
    # yum install epel-release
    Then add the PrivX repository:

  • On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo

  • On Red Hat or CentOS 8:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo

  • On Amazon Linux 2, please install the dependencies via amazon-linux-extras -command:
    # amazon-linux-extras install -y nginx1 redis4.0

  1. Install the latest PrivX packages with:
    # yum install PrivX
    The application binaries are installed to the /opt/privx/bin/ directory. The configuration is installed to /opt/privx/etc/ directory. Utility scripts are found in the /opt/privx/scripts/ directory.

  2. To automate PrivX configuration, you may optionally define post-installation settings using environment variables. The post-installation script skips prompting for any settings found in environment variables.
    Environment variables for the post-installation script are listed in:
    Export the environment variables with:
    # source /opt/privx/scripts/postinstall_env

  3. Run the post-installation script to configure the server:
    # /opt/privx/scripts/postinstall.sh
    Unless specified in environment variables, you will be prompted for:

  • The address of a NTP service.
  • PKCS #11-keyvault settings. Enable and configure this only if using external HSM. For additional HSM-setup instructions, see the HSM articles from Deployment page
  • DNS and IP address(es) of the server.
  • Database settings (if using an external database):
    • Address of the database in IP or DNS-name format. For example: database.example.com
    • Arbitrary name for the PrivX database.
    • Arbitrary name and password for the PrivX-database user.
    • Password of the PostgreSQL user postgres.
  • Address and password to the external Redis server (if using an external database).
  • Credentials for the initial superuser account.
  1. Install the PrivX license to enable product functionality. You can do this by browsing to the PrivX GUI located at (replace privx.example.com with the DNS or IP address of the PrivX server):
    Log in using the superuser credentials.
    In the GUI, navigate to Settings → License in the PrivX UI, and provide your license code under Online license update. Click Update, PrivX automatically contacts the license server to obtain and install your license. For more detailed information about licenses, see License Management.



PrivX licenses provide a limited number of activations. When deactivating PrivX servers, also remember to free up activations according to instructions in License Management.

Unlicensed product does not allow adding hosts nor establishing SSH, RDP, or Web connections. For your license to be activated, ensure that the system time is set correctly.

You have now set up a PrivX server.



To avoid accidentally upgrading PrivX, you may disable the PrivX repository until you are ready to upgrade. For more information about disabling the PrivX repository, see [Disable PrivX Repository] (https://privx.docs.ssh.com/docs/best-practices#disabling-privx-repository).

  1. You may verify the status of the PrivX microservices on the status page, located at the following address (replace privx.example.com with the DNS or IP address of the PrivX server):



Particularly in large production deployments, PrivX may accumulate large amounts of log data over time. We recommend that you configure log rotation for syslog and the microservice logs to prevent PrivX servers from running out of disk space

Manual PrivX package installation

Instead of installing PrivX packages from the SSH product repository, you may install the PrivX package manually as follows:

  1. Obtain the PrivX RPM package. The PrivX RPM package is a file with a name like the following:
    Where * is to be replaced with the product version.
  2. Copy the PrivX RPM to your target server.
  3. Install the PrivX RPM (replace `PrivX-.x86_64.rpm* with the path of the PrivX RPM): $ yum install PrivX-*.x86_64.rpm`

Setting Up Optional Components

This section provides setup instructions for optional PrivX components.

PrivX Extender Setup

PrivX Extenders relay host connections, allowing connections to target hosts that are inaccessible from PrivX servers.

To set up PrivX Extender:

  1. Create a PrivX Extender.
    On Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX VPC/VPN Extenders, click Add Extender.
    Provide at least the Extender Name. Addresses and Subnets are optional, and should only be set after you have verified successful connections via the Extender.
    If you plan to set up multiple Extenders for high-availability (HA), also specify the Routing prefix.
    Click Save to create the Extender, and to download the Extender configuration. This file is later required for setting up the Extender host.
  2. Install the PrivX Extender software on the Extender host in either of the following ways:
  • Install from the SSH product repository. To do this, set up the repository and install the software package:
    On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    On Red Hat or CentOS 8:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    # yum install PrivX-Extender
    To manually obtain the rpm, go to Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX VPC/VPN Extenders and click Download PrivX Extender:
    Then copy the rpm to the Extender host and install it with (replace `/path/to/PrivX-Extender.
    .rpmwith the path to which you placed the Extender package):# yum install /path/to/PrivX-Extender-*.rpm`
  1. Save the Extender configuration to the following path on the Extender host:

  2. Run postinstall to complete the setup:
    # /opt/privx/scripts/extender-postinstall.sh

The PrivX Extender is now set up. You may verify back on the Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX VPC/VPN Extenders page that the Status is Registered.

If the Extender failed to register to PrivX, you may find additional troubleshooting information from the Extender host at /var/log/privx/privx-extender.log

  1. Configure the target host(s) for access via Extenders. For more information about accessing targets via Extenders, see the section called “Proxying Connections to Hosts”.

PrivX Carrier and Web Proxy Setup

This section provides setup instructions for PrivX Carriers and Web Proxies, which allow connecting to HTTP/HTTPS targets. The high-level workflow involves:

  1. Create a Carrier and Web-Proxy configuration.
  2. Set up a PrivX Carrier.
  3. Set up a PrivX Web Proxy.



For best system security, you should set up Carrier and Web-Proxy components on separate hosts.

First, to create and download the necessary configurations:

  1. In the PrivX GUI navigate to Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX web-access gateways.
  2. To create the configurations, click Add Web-Access Gateway. Provide at least the Name and Proxy Address for the configuration.
    If you plan to set up multiple Carriers/Web Proxies for high-availability (HA), also specify the Routing prefix.



The Web Proxy address must be a valid IP or DNS address without schema headers and port numbers, pointing to the address of the server where the Web Proxy will be installed to. Loopback addresses are not allowed.

  1. Download the configurations (required later for setting up Carriers and Web Proxies). To do this, click next to your configuration, then click Download Carrier Config and Download Proxy Config.

To set up a PrivX Carrier:

  1. Ensure the machine has access to docker packages by enabling the required repositories:
  • On Red Hat 7:
    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
  • On AWS Red-Hat-7 instances:
    # yum-config-manager --enable "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 Extra(RPMs)"
  • On CentOS 7:
    # yum install epel-release
  • On Red Hat 8 and CentOS 8:
    # yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
  1. Install the Carrier package in either of the following ways:
  • If the machine has internet access, we recommend setting up and installing packages from the PrivX repository:
    On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    On Red Hat or CentOS 8:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    # yum install PrivX-Carrier
  • Otherwise, you can obtain the Carrier package from from Get PrivX software. Then install the package with:
    # yum install PrivX-Carrier-*.rpm
  1. Copy your Carrier-configuration file to your Carrier machine, to the following path:

  2. To finalize setup and register the Carrier with PrivX, run:
    # /opt/privx/scripts/carrier-postinstall.sh



The Carrier machine must be able to connect to port 443 on the PrivX server.

To set up a PrivX Web Proxy:

  1. If installing on Red Hat or CentOS 7 or 8, enable the EPEL repository:
  • On Red Hat 7:
    # yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  • One Red Hat 8:
    # yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
  • On CentOS 7 and 8:
    # yum install epel-release
  1. Install the Web-Proxy package in either of the following ways:
  • If the machine has internet access, we recommend setting up and installing packages from the PrivX repository:
    On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo
    On Red Hat or CentOS 8:
    # rpm --import https://product-repository.ssh.com/info.fi-ssh.com-pubkey.asc
    # curl https://product-repository.ssh.com/rhel8/ssh-products.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ssh-products.repo

# yum install PrivX-Web-Proxy

  • Otherwise, you can obtain the Web-Proxy package from Get PrivX software. Then install the package with:
    # yum install PrivX-Web-Proxy-*.rpm
  1. Copy the Web-Proxy configuration file to the machine, to the following location:

  2. Allow the Carrier host to access the Web-Proxy host (ports 18080 and 18443). You will need to add an access rule to the Squid configuration on the Web-Proxy host, at /opt/privx/etc/squid.conf (replace <carrier_address> with the address of your Carrier host in CIDR format):

acl localnet src fc00::/7
acl localnet src fe80::/10
acl localnet src <carrier_address>
  1. To finalize setup and register the Web Proxy with PrivX, run:
    # /opt/privx/scripts/web-proxy-postinstall.sh



Make sure the Web-Proxy host is able to connect to port 443 on the PrivX server. The host running the PrivX Carrier must also be able to connect to ports 18080 and 18443 on the Web-Proxy host.

After you have the required Carrier and Web-Proxy components, add target websites as known targets. To do this, go to Settings→Hosts and Add hosts with Web-type services. For more information about configuring Web-type services, see Web Targets.

For advanced configuration of PrivX Carrier and Web Proxy components, see Setting up PrivX Components.

PrivX-Agent Setup

This section provides instructions for installing PrivX agents, which allow PrivX users to connect using SSH native clients.

Unix setup

To set up native clients against PrivX for a user on a Unix workstation:

  1. Obtain the PrivX-agent software, available from Get PrivX software.
    Save the Agents.zip package to the workstation.

  2. Extract and install the PrivX agents to the workstation. For example (replace Agents.zip with the path to the agent-software package):

# unzip -j Agents.zip linux-amd64/privx-* -d /usr/local/bin/

The example command installs the PrivX agent, the agent utility, and the agent proxy to:
The following steps assume the PrivX agent and the agent utility to be in these locations.

  1. Enable PrivX agent to start automatically when the user logs into the workstation. You can do this by appending the following to the users' .profile file:
# Start PrivX Agent unless there is already an ssh-agent running                                                          
if [ -n "$START_PRIVX_AGENT" ] && [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] && \
   [ -x "$PRIVX_AGENT_UNIX" ]; then                             
    PRIVX_AGENT_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/ssh-XXXXXXXX 2>/dev/null || \
    mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir'`                                                     
    export PRIVX_AUTH_SOCK="$PRIVX_AGENT_DIR/agent.$$"                                                                                         
    export PRIVX_AGENT_PROXY="$PRIVX_AGENT_DIR/proxy.$$"                                                                                       
    -config $HOME/.privx/agent.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &                       
    export PRIVX_AGENT_PID=$!                                                                                                                  
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$PRIVX_AUTH_SOCK"                                                                                                    
    export SSH_AGENT_PID="$PRIVX_AGENT_PID"                                                                                                    
    trap 'test -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" && kill $SSH_AGENT_PID' 0                                                                                   



The provided example commands for agent startup are not run if another application sets the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable (such as a default ssh agent), nor if the PrivX agent is installed to a custom location. You may have to adjust the agent-startup conditions to suit your environment.

The temporary-directory path /tmp/ssh-XXXXXXXX is used by the agent. Do not change this path.

  1. Add PrivX servers to the agent. To do this, log in to the workstation as the user who will be using native clients (in order to start the agent), then run the following (replace https://privx.example.com with the address of your PrivX server):
    $ privx-agent-ctl server probe https://privx.example.com
    Unless the PrivX server certificate is trusted on the workstation, you will be presented with additional information, such as the SHA checksums of the certificate.
PrivX server 'https://privx.example.com' certificate is untrusted
Server TLS certificate:
  Issuer        DC=com, DC=ssh, DC=fi, DC=hel, OU=QA, CN=MSCA-PKI-TEST2-ROOT-CA
  Subject       OU=PrivX Web Server, CN=privx.hel.fi.ssh.com
  Serial        2453081971937566630710942289116460769316175891
  Not Before    2018-03-28 09:00:15 +0000 UTC
  Not After     2028-03-28 09:10:15 +0000 UTC
    SHA1        B5 F3 70 E2 DB 61 56 D9 AC AE 03 4D AE DC 01 4C FB D2 AB C0
    SHA256      17 22 63 69 D1 AA 77 34 96 BD B7 90 69 83 E7 30 97 A2 78 10 \
                73 5C 93 D0 D6 01 99 5C 04 C5 55 B2

Would you like to add this server to trusted servers? Y/N:

You may ensure that these match to the checksums of the PrivX server certificate, which you can obtain by running the following on the PrivX server:
# openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -in /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
# openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -in /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
Once you have confirmed the server identity, enter Y to add the PrivX server.

  1. You may verify setup by running:
$ privx-agent-ctl status

PrivX SSH Agent Status
  PrivX Server          https://privx.example.com
  Login status          logged out

MacOS setup

To set up native clients against PrivX for a user on a MacOS workstation:

  1. Obtain the PrivX-agent software, available from Get PrivX software.
    Save the Agents.zip package to the workstation.

  2. Extract and install the PrivX agents to the workstation. For example (replace Agents.zip with the path to the agent-software package):

$ unzip Agents.zip darwin-amd64/*
$ cp darwin-amd64/privx-agent-unix /usr/local/bin/
$ cp darwin-amd64/privx-agent-ctl /usr/local/bin/
$ cp darwin-amd64/privx-agent-start.sh /usr/local/bin/
$ cp darwin-amd64/privx-nc /usr/local/bin/

The example commands install the PrivX agent, the agent utility, the agent-startup script, and the agent proxy to:
The following steps assume the PrivX agent, the agent utility, and the agent-startup script to be in these locations.

  1. Enable PrivX agent to start automatically when the user logs into the workstation. To do this, first install the agent launcher with:
$ cp darwin-amd64/com.privxagent.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.privxagent.plist
$ launchctl start ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.privxagent.plist

Also append the following to the users' .bash_profile file:

# Register SSH_AUTH_SOCK & SSH_AGENT_PID to local environment
# if started by Launchd
if sock=$(launchctl getenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK); then
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$sock

if pid=$(launchctl getenv SSH_AGENT_PID); then
    export SSH_AGENT_PID=$pid

Alternatively, users may manually start the PrivX agent with:
$ ./privx-agent-unix bash

  1. Add PrivX servers to the agent. To do this, log in to the workstation as the user who will be using native clients (in order to start the agent), then run the following (replace https://privx.example.com with the address of your PrivX server):

$ privx-agent-ctl server probe https://privx.example.com

Unless the PrivX server certificate is trusted on the workstation, you will be presented with additional information, such as the SHA checksums of the certificate.

PrivX server 'https://privx.example.com' certificate is untrusted
Server TLS certificate:
  Issuer        DC=com, DC=ssh, DC=fi, DC=hel, OU=QA, CN=MSCA-PKI-TEST2-ROOT-CA
  Subject       OU=PrivX Web Server, CN=privx.hel.fi.ssh.com
  Serial        2453081971937566630710942289116460769316175891
  Not Before    2018-03-28 09:00:15 +0000 UTC
  Not After     2028-03-28 09:10:15 +0000 UTC
    SHA1        B5 F3 70 E2 DB 61 56 D9 AC AE 03 4D AE DC 01 4C FB D2 AB C0
    SHA256      17 22 63 69 D1 AA 77 34 96 BD B7 90 69 83 E7 30 97 A2 78 10 \
                73 5C 93 D0 D6 01 99 5C 04 C5 55 B2

Would you like to add this server to trusted servers? Y/N:

You may ensure that these match to the checksums of the PrivX server certificate, which you can obtain by running the following on the PrivX server:

$ openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -in /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
$ openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -in /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt

Enter Y to add the PrivX server.

  1. You may verify setup by running:
$ privx-agent-ctl status
This should output similarly to the following:
PrivX SSH Agent Status
  PrivX Server          https://privx.example.com
  Login status          logged out

Windows setup

To set up native clients against PrivX for a user on a Windows workstation:

  1. Ensure that the native clients on the workstation are in the system PATH.
  2. Obtain the PrivX-agent software, available from Get PrivX software.
    Save the Agents.zip package to the workstation.
  3. Extract the PrivX agents to the workstation. Navigate to the extracted folder, and in its windows-386 folder, run the privx-agent-windows.msi file to install the PrivX agent.
  4. Start the PrivX agent in Start Menu→SSH Communications Security→PrivX Windows Agent.



The PrivX agent may become blocked by other agent software (such as pageant) are running. In such cases, first close any blocking software, then try starting the PrivX agent.



For easier access to the agent, you can pin the PrivX Windows Agent to Start, taskbar, or Quick Launch Menu.

  1. Configure the agent to connect to PrivX: In the system tray, right click the PrivX icon and then select Settings.
  • Enter the PrivX server URL. To verify the connection, click Test.
  • You may verify the PrivX-server certificate:
    • Click View to open the Certificate Properties.
    • Check the certificate details. You do not need to install the certificate to the system.
  • Click OK to save your settings.



If native-client paths change after setup, the PrivX agent has to be restarted to apply these path changes.

Backing Up and Restoring PrivX Deployments

Back up your PrivX deployment in case of failures. You should at least back up your PrivX deployment before notable maintenance actions (such as system upgrades).

To allow system restore, back up at least the following components:

  • The PrivX database.
  • One PrivX server.

To create a backup of your PrivX Deployment:

  1. If the PrivX database is external, back it up according to your database-vendor instructions.
  2. In single-server deployments the database is backed up along with your PrivX server.
    Back up your PrivX servers.
  • In virtual environments, we recommend creating snapshots of your PrivX servers.
  • In physical environments, manually create and download a PrivX-server backup as described in Manual PrivX-server backup and restore. The data on all PrivX servers should be identical, so you only need to do this on one PrivX server.
  1. (Optional) In virtual environments, we recommend creating snapshots of the optional PrivX components as well, allowing you to restore them using snapshots instead of by reinstalling.

To restore a PrivX deployment:

  1. If the PrivX database is external, restore it according to your database-vendor instructions.
  2. Restore your PrivX servers.
  • If using snapshots, restore them now. Remember to ensure afterwards that the system times on your PrivX server(s) are correct.
  • If using manual backups, restore your backup to all your PrivX server(s), as described in Manual PrivX-server backup and restore.
  1. Restore any other components in your deployment. If using snapshots, restore them now. Otherwise, reinstall them as described in the section called "Setting up PrivX components". Remember to ensure afterwards that the system times on these components is correct.

Manual PrivX-server backup and restore

To manually back up a PrivX server:

  1. Create a backup by running:
    # /opt/privx/scripts/backup.sh

This creates a backup directory to:
Where and are the name of the host and the backup timestamp. A working example of a backup-directory path would be:



By default, PrivX servers create daily backups. Automatic backups are created under:


If you have configured the server to store its certificates in non-default locations, or to use a non-default local database name. Check and adjust the Default options in backup.sh before running it.

By default backup.sh backs up:

  • PrivX keyvault at /opt/privx/keyvault
  • PrivX configurations under /opt/privx/etc
  • SSL certificate files located under /etc/pki/CA and /etc/nginx/ssl
  • PrivX-CA trust anchor: files matching privx-*.pem under /etc/pki/ca-trust/course/anchors/
  • Local PostgreSQL database named privx (only if using local databases).
  1. Copy the backup to a secure, external backup location.

To restore a PrivX server from a manual backup, reinstall PrivX and apply the backup files as follows:

  1. Uninstall PrivX-server software according to the instructions in “Uninstalling PrivX.
  2. Install the PrivX version from which your backups were taken.
  3. Stop all PrivX services to prevent system changes during restore:
    $ systemctl stop privx
  4. Restore the PrivX local data. Do this by running (replace /path/to/backup with the path of the backup directory):
    $ /opt/privx/scripts/restore.sh /path/to/backup
  5. On all the PrivX servers, run the post-installation script to apply the restored configurations, and to restart the PrivX service:
    $ /opt/privx/scripts/postinstall.sh

Upgrading PrivX deployment

This section provides instructions for upgrading your PrivX deployment.

Single-Server-Deployment Upgrade

To upgrade the PrivX server, gain root-terminal access to your PrivX server and run:

$ yum install PrivX

The system fetches and sets up the latest PrivX package. Upgrade is complete once the command completes.

If you haven't set up the PrivX product repository, obtain the latest version from available from Get PrivX software and run:

$yum install PrivX-*.x86_64.rpm

High-availability deployment upgrade

For instructions about upgrading high-availability deployments, see PrivX high availability deployment.

Upgrading Optional Components

PrivX Extenders, Carriers, and Web Proxies can be upgraded after PrivX-server and database upgrade. The typical workflow for upgrading any of these components is:

  1. Install the latest software package.
  2. Run postinstall to complete setup.

The specific steps for each optional component are provided in the following subsections.

Upgrading PrivX Extenders

To upgrade PrivX Extenders, run these steps on all your Extender machines:

  1. Install the latest Extender package in either of the following ways:
  • If the PrivX repository is enabled on the machine. Install the package with:
    $ yum install PrivX-Extender
  • Without the PrivX repository, go to Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX VPC/VPN Extenders and click Download PrivX Extender:
    Then copy the rpm to the Extender host and install it with (replace `/path/to/PrivX-Extender..rpm* with the path to which you placed the Extender package): $ yum install /path/to/PrivX-Extender-*.rpm`
  1. Run postinstall to complete the upgrade:
    $ /opt/privx/scripts/extender-postinstall.sh

Upgrading PrivX Carriers and PrivX Web Proxies

PrivX Carriers and Web Proxies together enable web connections, and should be upgraded together.

To upgrade PrivX Carriers:

  1. Install the latest Carrier package in either of the following ways:
  • If the PrivX repository is enabled on the machine. Install the package with:
    $ yum install PrivX-Carrier
  • Without the PrivX repository, go to Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX web access gateways and click Download PrivX Web Access Gateway Components:
    Then copy the rpm to the Carrier host and install it with (replace `/path/to/PrivX-Carrier..rpm* with the path to which you placed the Carrier package): $ yum install /path/to/PrivX-Carrier-*.rpm`
  1. Run postinstall to complete the upgrade:
    $ /opt/privx/scripts/carrier-postinstall.sh

To upgrade PrivX Web Proxies:

  1. Install the latest Web-Proxy package in either of the following ways:
  • If the PrivX repository is enabled on the machine. Install the package with:
    $ yum install PrivX-Web-Proxy
  • Without the PrivX repository, go to Settings→Deployment→Deploy PrivX web access gateways and click Download PrivX Web Access Gateway Components:
    Then copy the rpm to the Web-Proxy host and install it with (replace `/path/to/PrivX-Web-Proxy..rpm* with the path to which you placed the Web-Proxy package): $ yum install /path/to/PrivX-Web-Proxy-*.rpm`
  1. Run postinstall to complete the upgrade:
    $ /opt/privx/scripts/web-proxy-postinstall.sh

Uninstalling PrivX

This section provides steps for completely removing PrivX from a machine. These steps may be used in preparation for PrivX reinstallation.

To delete all PrivX related data from a PrivX server:

  1. Uninstall the PrivX package:
    $ yum erase PrivX
  2. Remove the leftover PrivX installation directory (includes configurations and keyvault data):
    $ rm -rf /opt/privx
  3. If using a local database, remove PostgreSQL and its data directory:
    $ yum erase postgresql
    $ rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/
  4. Remove Nginx:
    $ yum erase nginx
    Also remove the leftover Nginx server configuration and SSL-certificate files:
    $ rm -rf /etc/nginx
  5. Finally remove the leftover privx-cert.json-file:
    $ rm /tmp/privx-cert.json