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Error "USER-STORE [ERROR] Server error: listen tcp :8084: bind: address already in use" when running in Azure

When PrivX is deployed in Azure, the User Store microservice may fail to start with an error

USER-STORE [ERROR] Server error: listen tcp :8084: bind: address already in use

This indicates that a process has reserved port 8084 on the system. In Microsoft Azure, this may be due to Microsoft OMS agent occupying the port.


To fix this, either move OMS Agent to a different port, uninstall it or configure the PrivX User Store microservice to use a different port.

Configuring PrivX User Store port:

  1. Edit /opt/privx/etc/userstore.toml
listen_port = 8888 # use a free port
  1. Edit /etc/nginx/privx/privx-https-location.conf and change section
location /local-user-store/api/v1/ {
        if ($request_uri !~* ^/local-user-store/api/v1/) {
                return 404;
        include         privx/privx-proxy-headers.conf;
  1. Restart PrivX
systemctl restart privx