PrivX LTS (Long-Term Support) Introduction
PrivX LTS (Long-Term Support) version is designed to provide stability and security for customers who prioritize a stable operational environment and reduced update frequency. The LTS model allows customers to run one stable PrivX version over an extended period to receive critical security and bug fixes.
We aim to support a LTS for a two-year period. During the support period, PrivX LTS will receive critical bug and security fixes.
The first LTS release is planned to be based on PrivX 36 and expected release is January 2025.
Questions and Answers
How are LTS versions named?
LTS releases use this naming format NN.x.LTS.y, where:
- NN represents the major version of PrivX,
- x is the equivalent point release of the LTS designation, and
- y is the incremental number of LTS point releases that may follow.
For example, 36.3.LTS.1 would signify the LTS version for major version 36 with the third point release as the baseline, and it is the first LTS-specific update.
How do I upgrade between LTS and major releases
Upgrade with downtime is supported as follows:
- You can upgrade to LTS from 3 earlier major versions: from 33.x, 34.x, or 35.x to 36.3.LTS.1.
- You can upgrade from LTS version 36.3.LTS.1 to the next 3 major versions 37.x, 38.x, or 39.x.
- You can also upgrade from your current LTS version to the next LTS version when it’s available.
Zero-Downtime upgrade is supported as follows:
You can upgrade to LTS from 3 earlier major versions: from 33.x, 34.x, or 35.x to 36.3.LTS.1.
You can upgrade from LTS version 36.3.LTS.1 to the following major version 37.x.
You can also upgrade from your current LTS version to the next LTS version when it’s available.
Note that you cannot upgrade to an LTS version if your current major version is greater than the latest LTS version. For example, you cannot upgrade from 37.x to 36.3.LTS.1.
If you are upgrading via PrivX repository, we recommend version locking PrivX packages to prevent accidental upgrades.
What does an LTS release include, and what is excluded?
- LTS releases include critical bug fixes and security updates
- LTS releases do not include new features or significant changes.
Where can I find the LTS documentation?
LTS documentation is part of the same branch as the corresponding major release. For example, for PrivX 36.x.LTS.y, you can find the relevant documentation under the v36 branch at
What are the LTS release plans?
The first LTS release is targeted for January 2025. The next LTS release is expected around July 2026. We will provide updates on timeline when approaching the dates.
Who should choose LTS releases?
LTS releases are suitable for customers who are satisfied with the current features of PrivX and prefer to minimize the frequency of updates, focusing on maintaining a stable and secure environment.
Can I downgrade from a major release to an LTS release?
No, but you can upgrade to the next LTS release.
How to avoid accidentally upgrading from LTS release to major release?
To avoid an accidental upgrade, you can disable PrivX repositories.
Is the LTS release applicable to deployment on Kubenetes?
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