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Carrier and Web Proxy Configuration

Allowing HTTP/HTTPS Targets at Unusual Ports

This section describes modifying the allowed target ports for PrivX Web Proxies. These instructions assume you to have some familiarity with Squid configuration.

By default PrivX only allows access to HTTP/HTTPS targets running on certain ports. The allowed ports are available toward the start of your Squid configuration file.

To allow access to targets at nonstandard ports:

  1. Verify and set the allowed target ports on your Web-Proxy machines in ​/opt/privx/etc/squid.conf​​:

    • For HTTP and HTTPS targets, ensure the target port is included in the ​Safe_ports​ list. You can add the target port by adding a similar line immediately after other ​acl Safe_ports​ directives (replace ​<target_port>​​ with the port of your HTTP/HTTPS service):

      acl ​Safe_ports​ port ​<target_port>​​
    • Additionally for HTTPS targets, ensure the target port is included in the ​SSL_ports​ list. You can add the target port by adding a similar line immediately after other ​acl​ SSL_ports​ directives (replace ​<target_port>​​ with the port of your HTTPS service):

      acl ​SSL_ports​ port ​<target_port>​​

    For example, to allow access to HTTPS target running on port 9443, you would need to add the port to ​SSL_ports​​:

    acl SSL_ports port 443
    ​​acl SSL_ports port 9443​​
    acl Safe_ports port 80          # http
    acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
    acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
    acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
    acl CONNECT method CONNECT

    Port 9443 is already included in ​Safe_ports​​ by default.

  2. Restart the ​squid​​ service to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart squid

Access Restrictions for Web Connections

You can control access to specific websites for specific PrivX roles. With this you can prevent users from accessing arbitrary websites by entering URLs, and via links on web targets.

You can also configure host specific domain restrictions (since PrivX 16). See Customizing the PrivX Carrier browser for more information.

Role-based access control is configured via Squid on PrivX Web Proxies. These instructions assume you have some familiarity with Squid configuration. This section provides some basic examples about access control. For more comprehensive descriptions about Squid's access-control settings, see their vendor documentation at ​https://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidAcl​​

To control access for a PrivX role, you will typically need to specify the following in the Squid configuration:

  • Define an ​acl​ matching the members of the PrivX role. You can determine PrivX users' roles from their ​User-Agent​​ header.

  • Define ​acl​​s for the restricted address(es).

  • Define rules allowing/denying matching members to access restricted address(es).

For example, to only allow ​privx-admin​ members to access while denying all other PrivX users access to ​www.example.com​​, perform the following on all your PrivX Web Proxies:

  1. Add rules like the following to the Squid configuration at /opt/privx/etc/squid.conf​​:

    # Match all PrivX users belonging to the privx-admin role
    acl is_privx_admin req_header User-Agent Role\=privx-admin
    # Define restricted address(es)
    acl restricted_to_certain_privx_roles ssl::server_name www.example.com
    # Allow privx-admins to access restricted address(es)
    http_access allow is_privx_admin restricted_to_certain_privx_roles
    # Deny others access to restricted address(es)
    http_access deny restricted_to_certain_privx_roles
  2. Restart the ​squid​​ service to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart squid

Trusting Sites with Self-Signed Certificates

Configure trust for any web targets that use self-signed certificates, for the following benefits:

  • PrivX users connecting to web targets no longer receive security warnings about insecure server certificates.

  • Support websocket connections from the web target.



We recommend setting up web targets before configuring trust for them. For more information about setting up targets in PrivX, see Setting up Hosts.

To trust a web target:

  1. On your PrivX Web Proxy, add the CA-certificate chain of the web target to the system trust anchors: Save the CA-certificate-chain file under ​​/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/​​.

    Then run:

    # update-ca-trust extract

    Restart the Squid service to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart squid
  2. ​​(Optional)​​ Perform this step if you need to enable websocket connections from the web target.

    On your PrivX Carrier, add the CA-certificate chain of the web target to your PrivX-Carrier configuration at ​​/opt/privx/etc/carrier-config.toml​​.

    Then restart the Carrier and Docker services to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart privx-carrier
    # systemctl restart docker

Changing Web Proxy Port Numbers

To change the Web Proxy ports, you need to edit the following:



In the following examples, replace the port numbers ​18080​ and ​18443​​ with the ports you want to use.

  1. On the Carrier host, change the ports in the ​/opt/privx/etc/carrier-container.toml​​ file:

    # Web proxy ports for HTTP and HTTPS. The port numbers and Carrier host IP \
    address should match the Squid configuration file in /opt/privx/etc/squid.conf
    # Proxy server IP address is configured via PrivX UI.
    http_proxy_port = ​18080​​
    https_proxy_port = ​18443​​

    After editing the file, restart the Carrier service:

    # systemctl restart privx-carrier

    On the Web Proxy host, edit the Squid configuration file in ​/opt/privx/etc/squid.conf​​ to match the port numbers you entered previously:

    http_port ​18080​​
    http_port ​18443​​ ssl-bump cert=/opt/privx/squid_cert/squid.crt \
    key=/opt/privx/squid_cert/squid.key generate-host-certificates=on \

    After editing the file, restart the Web Proxy and Squid services:

    # systemctl restart privx-web-proxy squid

    The Web Proxy host's firewall should allow access to the ports you have specified. Run:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=​​18443​​/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=​18080​​/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --reload

Custom Load-Balancer Support

If you are using PrivX Components (Extender, Carrier or Web-Proxy) in HA configuration, your load balancer must support sticky-session cookies (affinity cookies).

To properly resolve HA services behind the load balancer, the affinity cookie set by load balancer needs to be added to PrivX components' configuration files.

By default, configuration includes support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and Kubernetes Ingress default cookie names. For Nginx load-balancer support, see Example Nginx load balancer configuration.

If your PrivX HA deployment uses a custom load balancer, ensure that its session-affinity cookie (also known as a sticky-session cookie) is accepted by all your PrivX Carriers and PrivX Web-Proxies:

  1. Add the name of the session-affinity cookie to the ​known_lb_cookies​​ setting. The setting is located in the following configuration files, for Carriers and Web-Proxies respectively:

    • ​​/opt/privx/etc/carrier-config.toml​​

    • ​​/opt/privx/etc/web-proxy-config.toml​​

  2. Restart the Carrier and Web-Proxy services. On your Carriers, run:

    # systemctl restart privx-carrier

    And on your Web-Proxies, run:

    # systemctl restart privx-web-proxy



    If your PrivX HA deployment also includes Extenders, configure those to accept your session-affinity cookie as well, according to the instructions at High-Availability Deployment.

For more information, see Websockets and the PrivX Carrier browser and Customizing the PrivX Carrier browser

Display Carrier and Web Proxy Host IP on Status Page

When a Carrier or Web Proxy is registered to PrivX via a load balancer, the IP of the load balancer is displayed in the PrivX status page for this component. To display the host IP instead, perform the following on all PrivX servers:

  1. Edit /opt/privx/etc/shared-config.toml and set strip_how_many_x_forwarded_for_client_ips = 1.

  2. Restart PrivX
    systemctl restart privx